Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Investments for retirement

The main objective of the modern working class professionals is the collection of the highest investment rating of 'retirement age. For her performance, it is crucial to save as soon as possible.

In the following example may illustrate the points above.

Take the case of two investors, an investor and investor B. Investor deposits $ 12,000 a year for a period of 10 years, from the age of 35 years, without something more. The contributionAn investor is estimated at about $ 1, 20,000. The second investor, investor B waits up to 45 years and then invest a sum of $ 12,000 a year for the next 20 years. Investor B's contribution amounts to about $ 2, 40,000. Both deserve a share of 7%, the tax-sheltered Registered Retirement Savings Plan tightened.

At the time both reach the age of 65 years, while investment of around € 686,494 with a investors would come, would come to investments of investors Bapproximately $ 526,382. Why the investor an investor B is much better that an investor who started earlier. Over time, the coupon is extremely powerful.

Strategic Investment:

To use a sound investment strategy is the following very important role in achieving a higher pension. However, the strategy of the sound is not necessarily the safest strategy. Rather, the sound of the strategy is one that goes far beyond is a moderate formthe risk that the promotion of the average annual return over time.

For example, consider an investor whose investment from $ 1, 00.000. After three decades, the value of the portfolio for an amount equal to 5% may come increasingly to about 444,671. However, if the portfolio of compounds in the rate of 8% the value would come to about 1,052,470 ° This is the main difference and can have a lot to indicate the level of comfort of a pensioner, and the perception of the rest of his life. This showswhy you must work hard to earn the additional 2% or 3% of average annual returns.

The safest form of investment is to keep short-term government bonds and government treasury bills. Currently offers a yield not exceeding 5% per year.

Investments for Pension Funds:

For most people to draw on their savings to finance their retirement now, often the surest way more sense. This would mean investing inBonds and bills are not sure of losing value. However, like all investment-related issues, including the safest approach has many other disadvantages.

For pensioners in fund shares through a systematic withdrawal plan have invested works well as an option for owners of bonds.

For investors who have already invested in bonds, although the amount of interest from the bonds is sufficient for current expenses, may not be sufficient in 10to 15 years if costs are higher. This is a solid strategy for people who retired and two years ago or more years of life expectancy.

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